How To Ask Tarot Cards A Question

Last week a woman told me that she Googled “How to ask the right question in a tarot reading” in preparation for our call.⁣

She’s not the first person to do this.⁣

I always leave questions until the end of a reading because whatever has brought you to me is usually addressed within the main spread (which is customized to you and addresses all areas of your life).⁣ Keeping the question open-ended is key. There aren’t any “yes/no” cards in tarot (although some are more positive/negative in their tones), so we don’t ask yes/no questions. ⁣

Other than that, there is no right way to ask a question in a tarot reading.

If you want to know about romance in a tarot reading, instead of asking, “Is Fred the one?” we would ask, “What do you need to know about Fred?”. ⁣

If you want to learn about the energy around your career, rather than asking the tarot cards, “Should I quit my job?” try asking “What do I need to know about looking for a new job?”⁣

Another important tip is to focus on yourself rather than others. ⁣Tarot isn’t so much about dipping into other people’s energy as it is what you need to know when dealing with those around you.⁣

Asking something like, “Does Sergio regret leaving me for Daphne?” is most likely going to result in cards that focus on what you need to know about moving forward without Sergio instead of his thoughts on the matter (also the cards would most likely give you feedback on Sergio - i.e. he did you a favour because he’s a jackass - before we even get to questions).⁣

It may also reassure you to know that the question you ask may not even matter - the cards often tell you what you NEED to know instead of what you WANT to know. ⁣

When we ask a question, I usually pull three cards for the answer (that’s a juicy mini-reading on its own). ⁣

Those three cards will ALWAYS form a message that resonates; they just might not have anything to do with your question. It’s like they’re saying, “Your question was nice and you can ask it again in a minute, but here’s what we’re gonna tell you first.”⁣

So don’t worry about how to ask a question in a reading (or if you’re goofing around with cards on your own). ⁣Invite the cards to tell you what you need to know right now (just like in my Card of the Day) - they can take it from there.⁣

Lori Simeunovic

A tarot card reader with over 30 years of experience helping to inspire, empower and enlighten clients around the world. Instead of fortune-telling, Tarot Lori provides guidance that allows people to discover their purpose and reach their potential, while facing challenges with clarity and courage.


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