How To Be Psychic: Use Tarot Cards To Tap Into Your Intuition

Here’s how I learned to read tarot cards: ⁣ ⁣

I had my first deck before I knew what to do with it. I’d pick cards with friends, check the meaning in the instruction book, and we'd try to figure out what it meant.⁣ ⁣

Then I met a witch (as you do) named Erica. I interviewed her for my university paper on how the perception of witches throughout history has reflected the treatment of all women (hint: it hasn't been great for either group). ⁣Erica mentored me on the cards, teaching me her customized tarot spread - one I’ve since modified, but still use today. ⁣ ⁣

The turning point in the quality of my readings came when I lost the little instruction book.⁣⁣ If I wanted to continue reading tarot cards, I was on my own. ⁣⁣

What initially appeared to be a daunting and terrifying obstacle ended up being incredibly liberating. ⁣I started trusting what popped into my mind instead of writing it off as my imagination and letting the cards speak to me rather than trying to force information.⁣ ⁣

Over 30 years later, I've developed a very specific dialogue with my cards that is constantly evolving.⁣ ⁣So, if you want to read tarot cards, my main advice is this: put away the little instruction book and start reading. ⁣ ⁣

Get to know your cards. Trust your gut. Rinse and repeat.⁣

If you need some help learning how to give yourself a tarot card reading, check out my online video workshop, Tarot For Everyone. We don’t memorize cards - we learn the story of each one and how it applies to YOU.

Lori Simeunovic

A tarot card reader with over 30 years of experience helping to inspire, empower and enlighten clients around the world. Instead of fortune-telling, Tarot Lori provides guidance that allows people to discover their purpose and reach their potential, while facing challenges with clarity and courage.


The Truth About Tarot